Manage Your Stress this Holiday Season

As the festive season approaches and time with families and friends is being scheduled into our calendars, it is very important to remember ourselves and practice self care so we can enjoy the company of others without the stress that can sometimes plague us.

Some tips to help you manage your stress include:

  1. Get regular exercise. Remember your routine of going to the gym, going for a walk, run or yoga practice even if you have house guests. Exercise provides you with the endorphins that keep the stress monster in abeyance.
  2. Mindfulness. Stay in the moment by focusing on your breathing. This is particularly effective when you find yourself saying "What If?" or "If only". Staying in the present is helped by breathing.
  3. Eat healthily. You can still enjoy all the holiday delicacies and eat well. Moderation is the key.
  4. Drink responsibly. If you choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation. 
  5. Sleep. Late nights and early mornings do not help your stress level and ability to cope. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
  6. It is what it is. Some situations just cannot be changed so it is important to look at your reaction to the situation and manage your reaction. This can be done in many ways, leaving the situation, focusing on breathing or practising positive self talk to name but a few.
  7. Have fun. Look for the positives, be creative, laugh and be grateful for the things around you.

Enjoy your holiday season and time with your loved ones!

