Grief & Loss
You don’t understand why you are so angry at your children, your partner or yourself or you find yourself on the edge of tears all the time. Perhaps you feel frozen or like you are in a fog and you are not sure why. Your friends and family are reluctant to talk to you about what’s going on because they don’t want to upset you. Often, we feel we have dealt with the loss of a significant person, job, relationship or a life threatening illness only to realize that we have buried our emotions so we can “soldier” on because that’s what we thought we should do. Grief can bring up many different emotions at very different times. Emotions can come immediately and sometimes they show up years later.
In a safe and caring environment and with my unconditional presence, I will help you understand your grief and help you learn self-care and self- compassion so you are able to navigate your personal journey with your grief.